Re: Selling AI versus selling knowledge...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Oct 29 2000 - 13:03:15 MST

Ben Goertzel wrote:
> I wonder if in 10 years, the lucrative business won't be in selling AI
> technology per se,
> but in selling the knowledge (declarative and procedural) generated by AI's.
> Customized,
> market-specific brain lobes and so forth...
> Have any of you thought along these lines?

Hmm. But to do that you would have to take the position that knowledge
is something that can/should be "owned", that the commons of knowledge
and information should be all fenced and parceled out. It seems to me
that would be a very major drag on human progress and advance. In the
face of rapidly accelerating change that we are in it could very well
kill us.

But a specialized brain-lobe is more like a specialized processor rather
than knowledge. That doesn't seem quite so problematic.

- samantha

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