Re: continuity of self [ was META: Sept. 11 and Singularity]

From: Cliff Stabbert (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 00:47:14 MDT

Monday, September 16, 2002, 10:01:57 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

CS> I have quite a bit of faith that reasonably intelligent folks can
CS> be convinced of the possibility of, and their self-interest in,
CS> abundance, but very little such faith when it comes to those
CS> parties (people and institutions) accustomed to power.

BG> Sure.... The people in power in our society are by and large more
BG> intelligent than average... BUT they have a big status-drive
BG> self-interest in NOT moving toward a society of wild abundance,
BG> because in such a society, the power of themselves and their
BG> offspring will likely be less...

You missed "but very little" in my statement above.


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