Hardware Progress: Coke and Chips

From: Dani Eder (danielravennest@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 09:32:22 MST

According to an article in Electronic Engineering
immersing the optics and semiconductor chip in
a high index of refraction fluid may allow
extending conventional lithography techniques to
the 22 nm chip generation. That's another 12
years or so of progress.

It used to be thought that the shrinking of
circuits would be limited by the wavelength of
light used to project the mask pattern onto the
chip suface. Current production uses 193 nm
wavelength UV light source to produce 90 nm
circuits, and the potential is to use the same
light source down to 22 nm/193 nm = 1/9 wavelength.

It seems less and less likely that inadequate
hardware will prevent implementing an AI.
The huge value of the semiconductor industry
ensures that progress will continue as long as
the physics allows.

A candidate for the high-index of refraction
fluid is water doped with phosphoric acid. If
you read a soda can label, you will find that
phosphoric acid and water are ingredients in


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