Re: The cult of infinity

From: Tomaz Kristan (
Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 09:57:07 MDT

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 15:50:53 +0200, Christian Szegedy
<> wrote:
> Let x=1. Multiply it by -1 after 1/2 second. Multiply it again after 1/4
> second,
> And again after 1/8 of a second. And so on...
> What is the value of x after 1 second?
> Do you see that your definition is not formalizable?

Fine with me. So the supertasks are not possible? But the axiom of
replacement from the ZF guaranties me a a set of all the results, if
the set of all arguments exists, and the function is there which maps
one to another.

Isn't that so?

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