Re: My attempt at a general technical definition of 'Friendliness'

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2005 - 04:24:19 MST

On Jan 22, 2005, at 11:37 PM, Marc Geddes wrote:

> I proposed that in physics terms the actual ultimate
> purpose of the Friendliness function is to move the
> physical state of the universe closer to the Omega
> Point.

No you didn't. You used physics buzzwords, but didn't actually
describe the physics of the Friendliness function. You proposed your
goals for what you want the Friendliness function used for, but not
what it is or how it does it. As an example, I could tell you that I
have already have a function on my Macintosh right now to move the
physical state of the universe closer to the Omega Point. You would
still have no idea what function I was talking about, what it does, or
how it works.

> I proposed that in maths terms, the specific function
> that does this is the recursive function which
> generates increasingly better approximations to
> uncomputable Omega numbers.

No you didn't. You used math symbols to give variable names to your
ideas, but didn't actually describe any math associated with the
Friendliness function. You proposed that recursion might be useful in
implementing the Friendliness function, but again didn't describe what
the friendliness function is or how it does it. As an example, I could
tell you that my Macintosh already has several recursive functions
built in. You would still have no idea what functions I was talking
about, what they do, or how they work.

> I do not claim to have logical proof that I am right,
> I am only putting forward a proposal for the
> consideration of SL4 list members. That was why I
> could only speculate on relatively vague reasons why I
> may be right.

There is no question of "right" here. If you had actually given any
physics, we could have checked your observations. If you had actually
given any math, we could have checked your calculations. All you have
given us are your goals and your approach, which are personal choices.
You have not proposed anything that can be tested to determine if it is
right or wrong.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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