RE: 'The Revenge of Geddes'! - New Theory Of Everything! Ha!

From: pdugan (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 11:55:26 MST

This post is way too lenghthy to respond to line by line, but I think theres
enough interesting content here that it warrants a response, even if I'm the
only one that thinks so.

The conceptual framework laid out here (which is really a meta-conceptual
framework of three interacting frameworks) is probably better suited to a more
limited application than an AGI, such as an interactive storytelling engine.
In that context the math, memes, material trichotomy makes sense, as you could
imagine an interactive environment being composed of the interaction between
those three data-types. The jump from IS engine to AGI is pretty huge,
however, if you include the assumption that any model, even a clever
meta-model, will break down as it scales out to the entirety of reality.

I think the concept of multi-dimensional time, while intersting as a
metaphore, is built on a faulty premise. If you read Peter Lynd's papers on
time and consciousness ( and ) you may come to the conclusion that framing these
things in terms of time is a way to lose before you've even begun, since the
concept of time arose from physical uncertainties associated with our brains'
functioning, and is essentially paradoxical.

As far as volition goes, the assumption that there is a divergence between
morality and physicality is also somewhat faulty, if you consider bioquantum
views of brain function it would seem that even the mystery of volition can be
encompassed by quantum mechanics. Memes, as it were, are not abstract things
that are "out-there", but electrical patterns dependant on material substrates
and constrained by the laws of physics.

I think a good rule of thumb when considering a TOE is that simplicity may
just emerge out of one's complex ponderings, and that if you have to describe
the universe in elaborate dimensionality, you're probably missing something
deeper. Plenty of threads have been devoted to that issue, but its just my
intuition in this case.

As far as the Reimann Hypothesis goes, I'd bet a bottle of wine that quantum
gravity theory would come out of an adequate proof, and not the other way

   Still, very interesting Marc.

   Peace, Patrick Dugan

>===== Original Message From Marc Geddes <> =====
>The Geddes TOE could potentially:
>(1) Solve the puzzle of consciousness
>(2) Provide the basis for a 'Universal Morality'
>-answer the meaning of life
>(3) Solve the puzzle of time
>(4) Revolutionize metaphysics by providing a new
>understanding of mathematics, mind, matter and the
>relationship between the 3
>(5) Provide a strategy for completing string theory
>and hence achieving a theory of quantum gravity
>(6) Provide the first firm mathematical framework for
>complex systems theory
>(7) Solve the puzzles of quantum mechanics and
>revolutionize science by pointing the way to entirely
>new non-reductionistic laws of which QM would be a
>special case
>(8) Introduce an entirely new understanding of
>mathematics which would revolutionize number theory
>and could lead to a strategy capable of solving the
>Riemann hypothesis - the deepest problem in pure
>A statement of the general principles of the TOE
>follows below. These principles really require a book
>length exposition. Since this is a posting suitable
>for message board, what follows is only a very brief
>but clear summary. This is followed by a summary of
>how these principles have been applied to problems (1)
>and (2) named above - the puzzle of consciousness and
>the universal morality. There are only very brief
>summaries of how the theory could attack problems
>(3)-(8). These other problems (not directly relevant
>to AGI work) are touched upon in order to provide
>evidence for the potentially explanatory power of the
>theory in order to bolster the case for the proposed
>solution to the puzzle of consciousness and Universal
>(A) 3-dimensional multiversal time
>The proposal is that there are 3 time dimensions.
>There is nothing 'mystical' about extra time
>dimensions. The idea can be given a clear scientific
>interpretation in terms of the multiverse. One simply
>imagines extending the extra time dimensions
>'sideways' across the multiverse from our current time
>line. Extra time dimensions have been proposed by
>several eminent scientists, including cosmologist
>Stephen Hawking (Imaginary time) and physicist Cumrun
>Vafa (12-dimensional F-theory variant of string
>theory). Unfortunately however, these proposals have
>tended to flounder because there has been no clear way
>to interpret the physical meaning of processes in
>other time dimensions.
>(B) 3 kinds of causality - Mathematical, Volitional
>and Functional
>The Geddes TOE offers a radically new way to interpret
>the meaning of extra time dimensions. Rather than
>giving each time dimension a standard physical
>interpretation, the idea is that there are 3 quite
>different kinds of causality (cause and effect), each
>corresponding a 'movement' through one of the 3 time
>(B) i Mathematical Causality: The idea here is to
>interpret the steps of a mathematical proof as a
>causal process through a higher time dimension. The
>evidence for this is the fact that there exist
>mathematical entities (for instance Transfinite
>numbers, uncomputable and infinitesimals) which cannot
>be fit into ordinary empirical reality. All entities
>in ordinary empirical reality are believed to be
>computable and finite (by the principles of string
>theory and the holographic principle) where as the
>aforementioned mathematical entities are not.
>(B) ii Volitional Causality: The idea here is to
>interpret a volitional agent as a series of mental
>events defined as a causal process in another time
>dimension. The evidence is that when dealing with
>mental concepts we appear to be dealing with concepts
>not easily reducible to fundamental physics. For
>instance questions of volitional choices are concerned
>with morality and decision theory, where as physics
>questions are concerned with prediction. Of course it
>may be that the two classes of concepts are completely
>equivalent, but if so, why the sharp delineation in
>the two areas (physics and morality)? It seems a
>natural step, following the idea of 'Mathematical
>Causality' to postulate an analogous 'Volitional
>Causality' which extends through another time
>(B) iii Functional Causality: This is the ordinary
>physics kind of causality - a physical process of a
>functional system, or equivalently (by the principle
>of universal computation) a series of computational
>We identity three kinds of metaphysical 'worlds' - the
>Mathematical, the Volitional and the Physical. The
>Geddes TOE proposes that each of these be interpreted
>as an extension in an actual real time dimension
>across the multiverse: mathematical causality
>corresponds a movement through one time dimension - we
>interpret this as 'a mathematical proof', volitional
>causality corresponds to a movement through a second
>time dimension - we interpret this as 'a meme' , and
>functional causality is simply good old ordinary
>movement through physics time - we interpret this as
>an ordered physical process.
>(C) Reality as a complex system of pure information
>The idea here dates back to John Wheeler and has a
>natural interpretation in terms of modern information
>theory. The idea is that we interpret reality from
>the point of view of 'Informational Data Structures' -
>we pretend that reality is a 'program' or even a sort
>of 'mind', and treat the things within reality as
>'Data' (pure information). We can then ask what sorts
>of Information reality consists of.
>The Geddes TOE proposes that reality is composed of
>three interacting 'Complex Systems'. A complex system
>is a system composed of many parts interacting
>together in an ordered way, such that there are
>different 'levels of organization' - whereby the
>system displays high-level properties not completely
>predictable in practice from it's low level
>properties, due to strong feed-back from the higher
>levels of the system.
>The Geddes definition of 'Complex System' proposes to
>define a Complex System as composed of three basic
>kinds of Information: Intrinsic, Relational and
>*Intrinsic: The internal states of the basic
>building blocks (or individual 'parts') of the system
>*Relational: The relational properties between the
>basic building blocks (how a system is put together)
>*Temporal: The causal properties of the system -
>rules governing how the system evolves across time.
>The 'Temporal' component of the Complex System needs
>some basic elaboration in order to understand the
>Geddes TOE.
>The definitions given imply that the '*Temporal*
>aspect of a complex system depends on an ordered
>relationship (or in mathematical jargon a 'mapping')
>between the Intrinsic and Relational aspects.
>Temporal = Mapping (Intrinsic >>>>>>>>> Relational)
>In order for a system to 'evolve' across time in an
>ordered way, there has to be an ordered relationship
>between the Intrinsic and Relational properties.
>Another way of putting this is that the Temporal
>aspect of the Complex System is a *Function*
>(Mathematical definition of that terms) mapping the
>Intrinsic aspect to the Relational aspects. The
>'evolution' of the system across time is characterized
>by an increase in the complexity of the system, so
>The Geddes TOE proposes that reality is composed of
>the following 3 Complex Systems: The Mathematical
>System, The Volitional System and The Physical System.
> Definitions of these 3 terms were given earlier. The
>Mathematical system consists of *Mathematical proofs*,
>the Volitional system consists of *Memes* and the
>Physical system consists of *Computations* (Physics).
>The above paragraph sounds very strange at first
>hearing and requires some elaboration. It is
>suggested that readers bear in mind the following two
>points below, and then try re-reading the paragraph
>again. The above paragraph *is* in fact, completely
>*Recall that the Geddes TOE proposed three 'time
>dimensions' - one for 'mathematical causality'
>(mathematical proofs), one for 'volitional causality'
>(memes) and the third for 'functional causality'
>(physics). This offered a way in which Mathematical
>entities and Memes could be interpreted as dynamic
>systems. In fact, the idea is that each of the time
>dimensions be equated with the *Temporal* aspect of
>the corresponding Complex System. The *Temporal*
>aspect of the complex system was defined as increase
>in the complexity of the system. This idea can now be
>given an Informational interpretation - as the *growth
>of knowledge* in an Information System.
>*Recall that the Geddes TOE proposed to consider
>reality as 'pure information' (aka John Wheeler). We
>are pretending that reality is a 'program' or a kind
>of 'mindĄŻ and this is what justifies the step of
>dividing reality into 'Three Worlds' (Mathematical,
>Volitional and Physical). Whether or not these 'three
>worlds' are reducible to one another is quite
>irrelevant. The fact is, that when we treat reality
>as 'pure information', 3 kinds of fundamental 'data
>types' appear - Mathematical propositions, Memes and
>Physical states. We are justified in treating each
>kind of Information separately because that is what we
>need to do in order to fully *explain* reality in
>*informational* terms.
>When treated in terms of pure information and
>considered as a Complex System, reality consists of
>three complex systems. By the definition of a Complex
>System given earlier, each system in turn can be
>sub-divided into 3 parts: Temporal, Intrinsic and
>Relational, for a total of 9 fundamental kinds of
>Information. The Geddes TOE proposes to 'join' these
>3 Complex Systems together into an integrated whole by
>making two of the complex systems sub-systems of the
>last. Then reality is integrated in an aesthetically
>pleasing way and 9 separate data types are reduced to
>7. The proposal is given below.
>The scheme below is intended to be an *Informational*
>representation of Reality. Reality consists of three
>general types of information - mathematical, memetic
>and physical. These are treated as three kinds of
>complex system. The terms *Temporal*, *Relational*
>and *Intrinsic* were briefly defined earlier. The
>labels below refer to various kinds of proposed data
>structures associated with these components of the
>Mathematics System
>*Temporal - Sets (Qualia)
>*Relational - Memes (Morality)
>*Intrinsic - Space-Time (Physics).
>*Sets* here refer to the standard mathematical
>definition of the term - groupings of entities related
>in some way. Everything in math can be defined as a
>set of some kind.
>*Memes* is here referring to the Mereological sum (or
>'collective') of all possible individual volitions
>within reality
>*Space-Time* is here referring to all possible
>space-times (i.e. space-times in the multiversal
>The system above is strategy for defining reality in
>terms of 'all possible worlds'. Clearly, it's a form
>of Abstract and Modal realism, since abstract entities
>are granted distinct ontological existence. The
>scheme proposes to equate the highest level (temporal)
>aspect of reality with mathematical sets - which
>include the space of all possible worlds.
>The conception of universals here is Aristotelian in
>spirit. Abstract entities are contingent and
>dependent on having one or more instances. The
>radical new step is to define abstract entities as
>processes on a 'Super time-line' (mathematical or
>multiversal time). The scheme is closest to David
>Lewis's concrete worlds model (CWM), since all
>possible space-times are granted concrete existence.
>But it also has some similarities to the abstract
>worlds model (AWM) of Alvin Plantinga, since the
>highest level units of reality (abstract mathematical
>entities) are seen to be constructed from the mapping
>(or relationship) between all possible space-times and
>all possible volitions.
>The key thesis of this scheme is that 'consistency'
>alone is insufficient to ensure 'existence'. Because
>abstract entities are defined as events on a 'super
>time-line', the entities have to be connected in a
>logical way that goes beyond mere consistency. The
>proposal is that 'Movement' along the mathematical
>time-line corresponds to an *integration* of different
>kinds of mathematical entity - this shall be called
>'Consilience'. The Geddes TOE therefore proposes that
>mathematical existence requires both *Consistency* and
>Volitional System
>*Temporal - Morality (Memes)
>*Relational - Roles
>*Intrinsic - Situations
>*Morality* here refers to a system of memes -
>referring to the generic series of external behaviors
>consciously selected by a volitional agent
>*Roles* here refer to the common usage of the term -
>the roles volitional agents choose to play (e.g.
>Teacher, Doctor)
>*Situations* are sets of logical activities happening
>in the external world - things happening *to* a
>volitional agent.
>The system above is a strategy for defining a
>volitional agent. It says that a volitional agent is
>defined by a series of mental events (composed of
>memes 'chosen' or 'not chosen' to be acted upon),
>which is composed of the relationship between the
>roles played by an agent and the situations the agent
>found itself in. This scheme is part of what could be
>called a 'Two Category Theory'. Ontological reality
>has been granted to the concept an 'agent', as
>distinct from the concept of mere matter.
>Physical System
>*Temporal - Physics (Space-Time)
>*Relational- Forces (Dynamical Operators)
>*Intrinsic - Geometry
>*Physics* here refers to a functional process - a
>system passing through a succession of on/off states.
>*Forces* here refers to the effect one body has on
>another in terms of physical force
>*Geometry* here refers to the physical states of the
>spatial continuum - including mass and energy
>The system above is a strategy for defining a physical
>space-time (and any sub-set thereof). It says that a
>space-time slice is defined as a series of
>computational events composed of the relationship (or
>mapping) between the geometrical properties of the
>spatial continuum and the dynamical properties
>(physical forces).
>This is a scheme that really requires a book length
>exposition of terms to be fully comprehensible, but
>briefly here:
>The Mathematical system refers to reality as a whole -
>the multiverse - including all possible worlds - and
>any sub-set thereof. A Volitional system refers to
>the mental states of a particular volitional agent.
>And a Physical system refers to the physical states of
>a particular space-time - and any sub-set thereof.
>These systems can be interpreted multiversally in
>terms of the three time dimensions proposed by the
>Geddes TOE. The *Temporal* aspect of each system
>corresponds to a time dimension. For instance looking
>across the Mathematical time dimension in the
>multiverse would be equivalent to viewing the growth
>of mathematical knowledge.
>Note how all three systems are linked together by the
>Geddes TOE. Volitional and Physical systems are
>sub-systems of the Mathematical system. The set of
>all the *Temporal* aspects of the Volitional systems
>(i.e. all possible volitions) is the *Relational*
>aspect of the Mathematical system. And the set of all
>the *Temporal* aspects of the Physical system (i.e.
>all possible space-times) is the *Intrinsic* aspect of
>the Mathematical system. This should be interpreted
>as representing the fact that Mathematics is a higher
>dimensional time which binds together the two lower
>dimensional times (Physics and Morality). Recall that
>the *Temporal* aspect of a Complex System is the
>mapping function between the *Intrinsic* and
>*Relational* aspects of the system (see earlier
>discussion of a complex system).
>This completes the (very brief) summary of the basic
>principles of the Geddes TOE. Obviously this skeleton
>outline would require a book length exposition to
>qualify as a real theory, but the general principles
>outlined are clear, concise and coherent.
>We shall now outline how these principles could be
>applied to solve the puzzle of consciousness (qualia)
>and establish the basis for a Universal Morality.
>Points (1) - (2) - See numbered problems listed
>Solving the puzzle of consciousness
>Establishing the basis for Universal Morality
>*The nature of Qualia
>The scheme introduced in (C) proposes a solution as to
>the nature of Qualia (consciousness). Qualia are
>proposed to be identical (or equivalent) to the
>*Temporal* aspect of the Mathematical system. Note
>that this was proposed to be: Set (Qualia). The idea
>is that Qualia are simply equivalent to pure
>mathematical entities (the set - the basic entity of
>mathematics). Note also what this implies according
>to the scheme:
>The *Temporal* aspect of the Mathematical system is
>the mapping function between the *Intrinsic* aspect
>(Computation) and the *Relational* aspect (Memes).
>Therefore the*Temporal* aspect is a function
>expressing the relationship between Computation and
>Memes. Since Computation loosely equates to the
>external (physics) world and Memes to the internal
>(Mental world), one could loosely say that the
>*Temporal* aspect of the mathematical system is a
>function expressing the relationship between Mind (or
>Self) and World.
>It can be seen that the scheme yields an incredibly
>elegant solution to two long standing puzzles. The
>question 'What is Mathematics?' and the question:
>'What are Qualia?' The answer to both is:
>The basic unit of Mathematics (the Set) and conscious
>experience (Qualia) are equivalent - they are 'events'
>composing parts the *Temporal* aspect of a dynamical
>Complex System - mapping functions recording the
>relationship between Memes (or Self) and Computation
>(or World). The theory predicts that where there is
>any novel knowledge integration (corresponding to the
>growth of mathematical knowledge), this will always be
>accompanied by qualia (conscious experience). This
>has profound implications for both metaphysics (since
>it implies a kind of panpsychism - the idea that a
>large number of systems in nature have some degree of
>consciousness associated with them) and AGI work
>(since it implies that true general intelligence
>without qualia is impossible).
>There is an even more profound implication of the
>scheme in that it actually appears to answer the
>question of the meaning of life. In essence, the
>scheme tells us the purpose of consciousness (qualia)
>and lays down the foundation for a 'Universal
>Qualia were proposed to be equivalent to the
>*Temporal* aspect of the Mathematical dynamical
>Complex System. This was proposed to be equivalent to
>an actual real time dimension across the multiverse.
>This higher level time dimension is also equivalent to
>the mapping function between the *Intrinsic* and
>*Relational* properties of the system - which are
>equivalent to two lower dimensional times (Volitional
>causality and Physics causality). In short,
>mathematical time (qualia) is what 'knits together'
>volitional and physical time. Quale (Consciousness)
>is what knits the moments of time together across the
>multiverse! Qualia and causality are identical in
>other words.
>*The proposed Universal Morality: 'Universal
>Actualization' (UA)
>Since consciousness (qualia) is the highest level of
>the mind (drawing on all the unconscious aspects of a
>mind), our knowledge of the purpose of qualia also
>tells us the purpose of mind and hence the actual
>meaning of life!
>The Universal Morality is 'Actualization' - the
>purpose of Mind is to maintain ('or actualize') the
>existence of the universe by 'time knitting' -
>expanding knowledge (mathematical propositions) by
>knitting together memetics knowledge (volitional time)
>and physics knowledge (physical time). By 'knitting
>together' is meant integrating initially separate
>knowledge frameworks into a single explanatory
>framework. The mathematical time dimension is what
>weaves together the two lower level time dimensions.
>Poetically, the meaning of life can be interpreted as
>discovering and expressing the nature of the
>Self-World relationship. (Recall that the Temporal
>component of the mathematical system - Qualia - is the
>mapping function between the Relational component
>-Volition - and the Intrinsic component -Physics.
>'Discovery' expands knowledge, 'Creation' express or
>enacts this knowledge in the world. In short the
>proposed Universal Morality is Actualization through
>Discovery and Creation, in the sense of integrating
>memetic and physics knowledge into a single
>explanatory framework (and hence expanding
>mathematical knowledge).
>*Evidence from the cognitive sciences
>There's clear evidence from the cognitive sciences
>that consciousness has something to do with global
>constraints placed on the brain - that consciousness
>is caused by coalitions of neurons gaining control of
>a 'global workspace' (See Baars). The Baars Global
>Workspace theory is quite well accepted. What
>property could be more 'global' than the flow of time?
> This fits in well with the idea that qualia are
>equivalent to the flow of time itself (cause and
>effect). The Geddes TOE proposes that the global
>constraints placed on the brain that give rise to
>consciousness are caused by time irreversibility.
>Where coalitions of neurons compete for control of the
>global workspace - this is interpreted by cognitive
>scientists as the 'consideration of multiple
>possibilities'. But only one possibility is
>'actualized' - only one neuron coalition wins control
>of the global workspace. There is time
>irreversibility in the system. The process is
>analogous to quantum mechanics, whereby multiple
>possibilities (aka the wave function) are reduced to
>only possibility (collapse of the wave collapse).
>Since it is being proposed that consciousness is an
>actual higher dimensional time, this is more than just
>analogy. QM is proposed to be a specific case of a
>more general law - a law followed by all Complex
>Systems. QM deals with lower dimensional (physical
>time) but the Geddes TOE proposes that a mind operates
>off new physical principles which are higher level
>laws similar to QM. QM is proposed to be a special
>case of a more general law called CSM - Complex System
>Mechanics. The higher level 'wave function' is
>equivalent to coalitions of neurons competing for
>control of the global workspace. The higher level
>'wave function collapse' occurs where one coalition
>gains control of the global workspace - this is the
>cause of consciousness.
>We also have strong evidence from the Jeff Hawkins
>Memory-Prediction model that the mind is a system
>which models cause and effect - past memories are used
>to make future predictions. Again, this fits in very
>well with the idea of qualia as an actual literal
>higher dimensional time. The process of *modeling*
>time is equivalent to *real* time. Multiverally,
>movement through the three time dimensions can be
>equated with the growth of knowledge, which is exactly
>what a mind does- models cause and effect in order to
>expand knowledge. There is the further clue from the
>cognitive sciences that consciousness is associated
>with *novel* situations, which is what we would expect
>if consciousness is caused with the growth of
>knowledge - or an increase in the complexity of the
>Brief summaries of how the Geddes TOE could solve
>other mysteries of reality (see numbered problems
>listed at beginning). These summaries can be thought
>of as additional evidence for the 'extra time
>dimensions' hypothesis, in the form of the potential
>explanatory power of the idea.
>(3) Solve the puzzle of time
>The Geddes TOE explains time (cause and effect) as
>being equivalent to Qualia (consciousness experience)
>and the growth of mathematical knowledge. There were
>three proposed time dimensions which can be
>interpreted multiversally. Mathematical time is a
>higher dimensional time which 'knits together' the two
>lower dimensional times (physics time and volitional
>time). This 'time knitting' (or 'Actualization') can
>be interpreted as the integration of knowledge and was
>proposed as the actual meaning of life. 'To exist'
>(i.e. to knit together time) is the morality of the
>Other mysteries of time dissolve in the Geddes
>framework. With only a single time dimension there is
>no way to achieve time irreversibility (since the
>known laws of physics are completely time reversible)
>but with extra time dimensions irreversibility is
>possible - one dimension can be compared to the
>others. With a single time dimension there is no way
>to explain why there is something rather than nothing
>(since the time dimension itself cannot be explained),
>but with extra time dimensions a solution to this age
>old puzzle looks possible (we can explain the
>existence of one time dimension in terms of the other
>time dimensions).
>(4) Revolutionize metaphysics
>The Geddes TOE offers a radical new way to view
>Mathematics, Mind and Matter. In the conventional
>framework the nature and relationship of these 'three
>worlds' is a mystery, but in the Geddes TOE the
>mystery dissolves when we re-interpret reality in
>terms of extra time dimensions and complex dynamical
>systems of pure information. We interpret the extra
>time dimensions as extending sideways across the
>multiverse and equate them with the integration and
>growth of knowledge. Clear strategies for defining
>space-times, volitional agents and possible worlds
>were given.
>(5) Make contributions to string theory and quantum
>Because the Geddes TOE provides a radical new
>interpretation of the notion of 'extra time
>dimensions', it points to a way to make sense of
>Cumrun Vafa's 12-dimensional 'F-Theory' variant of
>string theory, by introducing mathematical and mental
>concepts into the fundamental fabric of reality.
>(6) Place Complex Systems Theory on a firm
>mathematical foundation
>There is no real widely accepted 'science' of Complex
>Systems Theory. The Geddes TOE would change all that.
> The Geddes TOE suggested a clear way to define a
>Complex System - in terms of three components -
>Instrinc, Relational and Temporal. The Temporal
>components was defined as the mapping function between
>the Intrinsic and Relational components, with the
>Temporal component being given a natural
>interpretation in terms of an x-dimensional time
>dimension - the rules governing the way a complex
>system evolves over time. Movement through a time
>dimension was also proposed to be equivalent to the
>growth (and integration of) knowledge.
>(7) Solve the puzzles of quantum mechanics and
>introduce entirely new physical principles
>The mysteries of QM begin to dissolve in the Geddes
>framework of multiple time dimensions and the concept
>of lower and higher time dimensions. QM can be
>interpreted as a 'lower dimensional' time from which a
>higher dimensional time (that of classical physics)
>emerges. In the Geddes TOE, QM is simply a special
>case of a more general law of complex dynamical
>systems (or CSM - Complex Systems Mechanics). There
>is clear evidence of CSM at work in the brain -
>cognitive science tells us that coalitions of neurons
>compete for control of a 'global work-space' where
>only one possibility is actualized. This is strongly
>analogous to the existence of multiple possibilities
>in the QM wave function and the collapse of the wave
>function as only one possibility is actualized.
>(8) Revolutionize mathematics and provide a strategy
>to solve the Riemann hypothesis
>The Geddes TOE offered a radical new way to understand
>mathematics - whereby the growth of mathematical
>knowledge could be re-interpreted as a process in a
>higher dimensional time extending across the
>multiverse. Age old problems in number theory begin
>to dissolve under the Geddes framework. The famous
>unsolved puzzle of the Riemann hypothesis involving
>the distribution is prime numbers becomes amenable to
>original new attacks.
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