Discussion group meeting at Kifune Restaurant in LA on AI

From: justin corwin (outlawpoet@gmail.com)
Date: Wed Oct 18 2006 - 11:00:45 MDT

As some of you may know, we have a reoccuring discussion group at
Kifune, a local japanese restaurant in Marina del Rey. Every few times
we meet I like to mention it on the wider discussion groups, but we
have an announcement list yahoogroup that sends updates on each

The attendees are primarily employees, associates, and friends of a2i2
in general and Peter Voss in particular.

The group centers around general transhumanism officially, but we tend
to AI and real current efforts and events as they happen. We
occasionally have discussion topics and guests of expertise.

Here is the event announcement that went out today:
Hello Friends,

We're going to have another Kifune discussion group, at which we'll
discuss the recent happenings at the AGI Workshops Novamente put on,
the Alcor Conference, and a few new companies and initiatives in our
field of AI.

If you can make it, we'd enjoy your company. RSVP if you can.

PS. The usual details are at:

Justin Corwin

If you need help getting to Kifune, have questions, or want to ask
about future meetings, just contact me.

Justin Corwin

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