Re: Re: ESSAY: How to deter a rogue AI by using your first-mover advantage

From: Алексей Турчин (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2007 - 04:10:14 MDT

If I were RAI, I would calculate the probabaility of strong singularity with computronium, - 10**-6, no less. And amount of simulations that such computorium could create if uses all matter in the Sun System. But to simulate RAI it needs a very huge amount calculating power, unless we speak here about very young RAI, that has not bulid its own computronium. If that young RAI found that there could be say 10**15 simulations of him by the computronium, he will multiply it on probability of computronium (10**-6)and get that it is 10**9 to 1 that he is in computronium.

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