Re: The Meaning That Immortality Gives to Life

From: Jack Lloyd (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2007 - 11:44:24 MDT

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 07:19:39AM -0700, Larry wrote:

> Technology can't 'fix' impermanence. Death is a sudden big change, but
> even if sudden death goes away, we die bit by bit. Your memories of
> the 1990s would eventually fade to be no more than what you'd read in
> a history book. It would no longer be real to you, your 1990s self
> would be effectively dead.

Presumably at some point it would be at least possible (if maybe not
desirable) to cover the planet in a sensor network so you could later
recall/relive any event that happened to you (or anyone else?) at any
point, even if your own hardware (biological or otherwise) fails. So
in principle I don't see any reason that forgetfulness, like death,
shouldn't be optional.

Perhaps related:

Apropros: I couldn't remember who wrote that essay, when I saw it, or
what the title was, but I found it again in less than a minute using and email search.


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