Re: Memory Merging Possible For Close Duplicates

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2008 - 02:16:35 MDT

CyTG writes

Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: Memory Merging Possible For Close Duplicates


> No one would be your own closer duplicate than your closest multiverse cousin.

We agree. That for sure is the very common usage. Especially here.

> I suppose you could merge with him.

Quite pointless, since you and he are identical---unless you mean the tiniest possible
quantum difference. In that case, I agree. Of course, we can't reach into that other
branch, so we'd have to have a copy of that other "you" here somehow, in order
to really begin the merge.

> That being done, your cousin's cousin would not be a far fetch from there.
> So on and so on.

Yes, but of course it gets harder and harder. And by the time you get
to "another person" (see preceding emails in this thread) it's very, very

> Until you reach maximum intellectual entropy ? The total collective
> consciousness of an intellectual state beginning at a given point in time?

I don't know what you mean by "maximum intellectual entropy" or
"collective consciousness of an intellectual state". Forgive a mild rant:

<rant on> Why on Earth do people think that they can just throw around
all sorts of weird phrases with no explanation on this list? I've seen it a lot.
My own suspicion is that there is a hell of a lot of "math envy" on this list,
and if anyone wants to say

              "Peter washed his hands",

they'll rather say instead

              "There is a t1 < 0 such that the image of t1 under the natural
              mapping t1 -> Peter(t1) belongs to the set of dirty hands, and
              a t2, t1< t2 <= 0 such that the image of t2 under that above-
              mentioned mapping belongs to the complement of the set
              defined in the preceding sentence." (Credit: V. I. Arnold)

and that the more terse and mathematical the sentences, the more the writer
feels that he's showing everyone how smart he is, and (sad to say) the more
impressed feeble minds will be with him.

<rant off---for now>

And I don't mean to blame or single out CyTG. I've seen much worse.

Anyway, feeling better now, CyTG goes on

> Until you reach maximum intellectual entropy ? The total collective consciousness
> of an intellectual state beginning at a given point in time?
> The concept just makes next to little sense to me

That's two of us, pal.

> .. I mean, to what end ? You'd have to have a fundamental, instinctive,
> understanding of at least the 4 dimensions and problary qm's to cope
> with this sort of multi-awareness... and again, to what end ??

Can you possibly restate your last questions? I count three of them, one
with two question marks.


P.S. And please go read about the evils of "top posting" and "quoting the
entire #?&^%#*!! text of someone's message. Otherwise, I will taunt
you a second time.

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