[sl4] Re: Paper: Artificial Intelligence will Kill our Grandchildren

From: Anthony Berglas (anthony@berglas.org)
Date: Sun Jun 15 2008 - 19:42:00 MDT

>One of the assumptions you make in the paper is that there will be
>lots of AI's with lots of different motives, and that those with the
>motives of world domination at the expense of everything else will
>prevail. But realistically, people will program AI's to help
>themselves or their organisations gain wealth and power, and achieving
>that goal would involve preventing other people with their AI's from
>gaining the upper hand. In general it's only possible to prevail if
>you alone have the superior technology. This argument doesn't apply if
>there is a hard take-off singularity, in which case our only hope is
>to make the first AI reliably Friendly.

My assumption is actually a little sharper. Namely
   If an AI is good at world domination, then it would be good at
world domination.

Whether such an AI will exist is a separate question. But many
people desire it -- beat the competitor. So the source of goals is
not unlikely.

I am adding this last point to my paper, due to feedback from this list.



>Stathis Papaioannou

Dr Anthony Berglas, anthony@berglas.org Mobile: +61 4 4838 8874
Just because it is possible to push twigs along the ground with ones nose
does not necessarily mean that is the best way to collect firewood.

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