[sl4] Self-reference doesn't matter much (was Re: ... Why It Wants Out)

From: Tim Freeman (tim@fungible.com)
Date: Sat Jun 28 2008 - 05:23:48 MDT

From: "Stuart Armstrong" <dragondreaming@googlemail.com>
>Instruct the AI to only rewrite it's own source code if doing so will
>reinforce its higher goals.

I can't grasp what you're trying to accomplish here, but in any case
that instruction doesn't buy you much. If the AI is human-equivalent
or better, it can do engineering, so it can build a new, improved AI
that has entirely different source code. Assuming the new, improved
AI really is improved, the new AI will then take over and the old AI
has become irrelevant.

So, if the AI is human-equivalent or better, restrictions on what it
does with its own source code don't have much effect on the set of
possible outcomes.

Tim Freeman               http://www.fungible.com           tim@fungible.com

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